生 物 水 文 気 候 部 門  北海道水文気候研究所
 北海道  渡島半島  洞爺湖周辺の小気候  文部省科学研究費    1977~1979

〇Takahashi,H., H.,Yamamoto, K.Suzuki and H.,Moriya,1978 : Local climate nearthe small lake, Part 1;Air temperature distribution near Lake Toya, Hokkaido, in winter. Jour.Agr.Met.,34,77-82

Takahashi,H.,A.,Itagaki,1980 : Local climate near the small lake, Part 2; Air temperature distribution near Lake Toya,Hokkaido, in spring and summer. Jour. Agr. Met.,36,13-18

〇Kato,H. and H.Takahashi,1981 : Local climate near the small lake, Part 3; Lake and land breeze of Lake Toya, Hokkaido, in summer. Jour.Agr.Met.,37(1),29-37